The Insiders - The Mission
That Follows The First One (CD, 202 prod)
The Insiders - Gran Lux (CD, 202 prod)
French D.I.Y noise rockers
with a very dynamic sound breathing post punk as well as 60ies Rock'n'Roll
and experimental music. The Insiders combine desert rock instrumental
parts, blues madness, wild attacks of screamo hard core vocals, with weired
film samples and taped news broadcastings. They often change tempos and
directions, it's very emotional and powerful, but no easy feel-good music.
It's a pity, that the band, the man behind 202.project
was involved, is already gone. Nice stuff, though from time to time a
little bit confusing!
Gran Lux is a bit more song structure orienteated and though really rough
more easy to "consume" than "The Mission...". So maybe
it's the better choice for beginners who experience this "surf noise
Though it's D.I.Y label, the sound as well as CD and artwork are well
produced. I like the drawn figures and cars - it reminds of an outlaw
It's a pity but I can't find
more information on the band...
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